amarama's wooden exfoliating brush with natural bristles
    amarama's wooden exfoliating brush with natural bristles
    amarama's wooden exfoliating brush with natural bristles
    amarama's wooden exfoliating brush with natural bristles
    amarama's wooden exfoliating brush with natural bristles
    amarama's wooden exfoliating brush with natural bristles

    amarama's wooden exfoliating brush with natural bristles

    VAT included

    This natural bristle brush enhances blood circulation and promotes lymphatic flow, helping to eliminate toxins from the body.

    Regular exercise and a balanced diet are key to smooth, toned skin. By adding body brushing to your routine, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Dry brushing your skin before applying an anti-aging body cream is a simple yet essential step to keep your body healthy and glowing all year round.

    Additionally, this wooden exfoliating brush can also be used in the shower with your favorite bath gel for a deep and revitalizing cleanse. By combining it with water and soap, you not only exfoliate your skin but also enjoy a spa-like experience at home, leaving your skin soft and refreshed.

    The Wooden Exfoliating Brush opens pores and stimulates circulation, boosting local blood flow and toxin removal.

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    How to use

    Feet: Start at your feet and brush upwards with slow, circular strokes towards the heart.

    Legs: Work from the front and back of your right foot towards your thigh and then your buttocks.

    Arms: Begin with your right hand and move up to your forearm, continuing to your upper arm. Repeat starting from your left hand.

    Abdomen: Massage your abdomen, starting from the lower right side and moving upwards towards your ribs.

    It is recommended to brush 2-3 times per week.

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